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See Color in a New Way...

A step-by-step, color certification training on choosing the right color palette for your clients, as well as marketing this invaluable color service to grow your design business exponentially!

Color is visceral.  Color is emotional.  Color sets the tone and mood.  Color is the foundation of every great design plan, so it makes sense to completely understand it!

I’m Audra Slinkey, the creator of the Certified Color Expert (CCE) program and here are five reasons why becoming a Certified Color Expert is critical to your design and staging business:

  • People are embracing color now more than ever
  • People are making mistakes with color now more than ever
  • People are afraid to make a mistake, so they are more inclined to hire a Color Consultant which they believe is more affordable than a typical Designer
  • Not all Color Consultants are equal and most don't have a "color training" or successful process for picking and communicating colors
  • The Certified Color Expert (CCE) Training will provide you the credibility, tools and expertise to put the home owners fears to rest while expanding your design and staging business!

Download the CCE Course Outline!

We've Outlined Everything in these 6 Training Modules:

Critical Color Basics

Color concepts, the color wheel, color schemes and what works. Color with respect to light, architecture, emphasis, meaning and mood. 

CCE Rules of Color

How to get a "color read" on your client's space.  Breaking color down by type and understanding the rules of each tone.  Using your CCE color tools to easily ascertain undertones in a space.

Interpreting Color

In this module, we show you how to use our 6-Step Color Read process in order to assess the color cues already in a home and begin building the color palette.

Creating the Palette

It's not just about picking the right paint color but about working with the client's existing furnishings, finishes, home cues and personality to define an overall color palette the client will love!

Consultation Success

We provide you a color consultation process that is designed to build your design and staging business!  We show you the business of color and how it can be the gateway to so much more!

Marketing Essentials

We want your color business to boom, so we show you our no-cold calling approach to marketing your color consults easily and effectively!  Get ready to grow your business!

Become a Certified Color Expert!

Best class I could have ever taken.  Thank You Audra.... for the wonderful education!! Such a great addition to my business and life.  I highly recommend this to anyone serious about paint!!

Jacqueline Broyhill
Creative Re-Design and Decor

Audra Slinkey's Certified Color Expert Certification course is an indispensable add-on to her staging certification. As a stager, there is rarely a house that does not need some painting. Having a clear and substantiated understanding of color provides the confidence and added professionalism needed to deliver a service to a client that guarantees success. I highly recommend taking this course if you want to understand color more and be a color consultant and/or, add accreditation to your staging expertise.

Marina Kortekaas
EnVue Staging and Design

WOW! The Certified Color Expert training program is a totally comprehensive color training in Audra's signature style of packaging a wealth of information in an easy-to-understand format with step-by-step instructions. If you have any interest in color, whether for your own personal knowledge or for a business, this program is for you!

Sherry Castaldi
Organized By Design

This Certified Color Expert class has been concise, thorough, detailed, and full of tips on how to apply this certification within your design/staging business. I have learned so much, and enjoyed every class. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise!

Katherine Frazier
Decorating Delight

Audra, you are brilliant! This color training was very helpful. The fact that you are very detail oriented is key in the success of a color expert. I'm excited to share this with my clients. I feel confident I can share this information with my clients in order for us to make the color choices that will enhance the beauty of their homes.

Ronda Ferguson
Smart Selections

Audra's training materials have been invaluable to my home staging business...I'm excited about the Certified Color Expert  training and when people ask me about how I stated my business, I always point them to Audra's training.

Melissa Barronton
fynHome Staging and Redesign

The Certified Color Expert Training also includes these super cool bonuses:


Certification matters and the CCE logo is a sign of prestige in the industry!

Large Samples

We provide you with a large, color sample binder organized by color category to make it easy to order paint color samples and specify color.

Fan Decks

We provide you with a Sherwin Williams main fan deck and connect you to Benjamin Moore for more decks and tools.

Top 150 Colors

We provide you with the top 150 most popular paint color picks and when to use them in an easy spreadsheet format!

Paint Images

Not only do we give you a color key for the best choices to make but we provide you with the paint images to use in your vision boards to clients.

Forms, Etc...

All the forms, cheat sheets, Color Read Walk Through Guide and a marketing PowerPoint you can customize to your business!

Grow Your Biz

Our training is focused on building your design and staging business through the gateway of color.  Using our unique consultation approach, you will be amazed at how easy it is to build rapport and upsell your services!

Mystery Solved

Using our 6-Step Color Read process you will find it very easy to specify the right paint palette for clients, as well as help them with their design choices.  Design and color go hand-in-hand when you work with clients.

Color Tools

Our training provides all the color tools you will need including an organized binder for storing your favorite large, paint color samples, as well as the Sherwin Williams and Benjamin Moore critical fan decks!

Client Love

Credibility matters in the design industry and with the CCE initials after your name, as well as our recognizable logo, your clients can be assured of your knowledge and understanding of specifying paint.

Become a Certified Color Expert!

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